Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Office Teacher Memes

1. Oh, you're working so hard that you forgot to talk? Let me make 392325 more copies for you.

2. C'mon kid, lunch isn't going to serve itself.

3. Bring on all the theme days.

4. What? Am I crying? I've in my eye.

5. Get. Away. From. Me. Now.

6. *Throws papers and leaves*

7. A little piece of my soul dies.

8. I'll hang it on my desk until it gets ripped off by someone not paying attention running to my desk.

9. How has there not been shoes invented for teacher feet yet???

10. Nothing boosts your confidence more than a brutally honest 6 year old.

11. I'm here, what else do you want from me??

12. It's what we all hope for....

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