Tuesday, September 9, 2014

S'mores Galore!

First of all, THIS:
"On a Field - Mrs. Cecil"
I am a gigantic Alabama cheerleader with some serious eyebrows and thinning hair in Bryant Denny Stadium. I love everything about this and the sweet baby that brought it to me Friday morning!

Our story from RSCC last week was Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant.

 It was so fun to have a camping theme because that means S'MORES!! Our textbook had a procedural writing piece about "How to Make a S'more" that explained the steps in making a s'more. After reading the steps, the kiddos put the steps in their own words. First, they used a graphic organizer that had the transition words first, next, then, last.

After I checked their sentences and writing, we modeled as a class how to put it in a paragraph form.

Once I checked it again, I passed out construction paper to make their own "s'more".
Find this super cute activity here
"Mrs. Cecil, can we PLEASE make s'mores???" Sure kid, here's some paper.
Can you imagine the disappointed faces? Yeah, me too. That's why I TOTALLY TRICKED my kids and gave them a fun Friday surprise.

This picture was taken after we went outside to eat the s'mores. No chocolate left and almost all the marshmallows are gone. It was the best afternoon. Some of the kids said it was their first time to make a s'more. SADNESS. I'm glad I could experience their first s'more with them. :)

Our school has adopted the Leader in Me program which focuses on the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. This week we focused on Habit 1: Be Proactive.
This book has a super cute and relatable story for each habit to read aloud to the class.

After talking about what it means to Be Proactive all week, we made Proactive People so we can take the "first step" and be leaders. 

Find the craft here :)

NEW! Our class has a Facebook page! Check it HERE!

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